Cannelle et Vanille - Aran Goyoaga

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Cannelle et Vanille - Aran Goyoaga
Nourishing, Gluten-Free Recipes for Every Meal and Mood
"This is a book for all cooks" - Founders of FOOD52
Einband ist leicht berieben und bestoßen, Schnittkanten im guten Zustand.

Second Hand
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carla Wien
Steinheilgasse 3, 1210 Wien
Montag bis Freitag, 09:00 – 15:00 Uhr
Zustand: Gut
Farbe: nicht zutreffend
Autor: Aran Goyoaga
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 2019
Seitenanzahl: 341
ISBN: 9781632172006
Buch Typ: hardcover
Genre: Themenkochbücher Allgemeine Kochbücher, Grundkochbücher Cooking Kochbuch Therapeutics Gluten-free diet
Sprache: Englisch
Thema: Kochen: Rezepte und Anleitungen

“A beautiful expression of how Aran feeds her family and friends simple foods like buttermilk-brined chicken and roasted carrot and cashew soup. This is a book for all cooks.”—Amanda Hesser and Merrill Stubbs, founders of Food52 2020 James Beard Award Semifinalist/The New York Times Book Review Holiday Books pick/A Most-Anticipated Fall 2019 Cookbook at Bon Appétit, Food & Wine, Epicurious, and Food 52 From the creator of the Bon Appétit-lauded food blog and CannelleVanille Instagram comes 100 recipes that show us how to bring more joy, mindfulness, and connection to the kitchen through family-friendly meals. The recipes in this critically acclaimed cookbook are organized around the day: start off with Spicy Carrot, Grapefruit, and Sunflower juice Soft-cooked Eggs with Dukkah and Bitter Greens; and move on to Tomato, Corn, and Bread Salad at midday. There is a chapter of everyday dinners you can prepare on a weeknight, such as a simple spaghetti and meatballs supper or Braised Chicken with Apples and Cider. You'll also find a chapter of menus to inspire you when you want to gather together a larger group of friends and family which Aran heartily encourages! She is especially known for her tender, gluten-free baking, and the book includes recipes for her sourdough bread, caramelized onion and fennel biscuits, and apple tarte tatin (with flour substitutions are included for those who aren't gluten-free). Filled with Aran's gorgeous photographs, you will also find suggestions sprinkled throughout the book for creating a welcoming space with lighting, linens, flowers, and flatware, along with gentle encouragement to spend time in the kitchen nourishing yourself as well as those you love.
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